Browse By Reign - George VI

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Browsing Non Illustrated Sets from the George VI era
1949 SG 16 Seiyun - UM - 2½A Universal Postal Union single £0.40 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1949 SG 16-19 Seiyun - FU - Universal Postal Union set of four £8.25 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1937 SG 132-134 Seychelles - UM - Coronation set of three £1.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1937 SG 132 Seychelles - MM - 6c Coronation single £0.65 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1937 SG 132-134 Seychelles - FU - Coronation set of three £1.20 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 135 Seychelles - UM - 2c Purple-Brown definitive odd value £1.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 136 Seychelles - UM - 3c Green definitive odd value £7.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 137 Seychelles - UM - 6c Orange definitive odd value £12.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 137a Seychelles - UM - 6c Greyish Green definitive odd value £2.95 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 138ab Seychelles - UM - 9c Grey-Blue - Ord Paper definitive odd value £16.50 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 139 Seychelles - UM - 12c Reddish Violet definitive odd value £35.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 139a Seychelles - UM - 15c Reddish Violet definitive odd value £15.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 140a Seychelles - UM - 20c Brown-Ochre definitive odd value £13.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 142a Seychelles - UM - 30c blue definitive odd value £20.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 143b Seychelles - UM - 45c Purple-Brown definitive odd value £22.50 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 144 Seychelles - UM - 50c Deep Reddish Purple definitive odd value £11.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 149 Seychelles - UM - 5R definitive odd value £20.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 136 Seychelles - MM - 3c Green definitive odd value £4.50 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 136a Seychelles - MM - 3c Orange definitive odd value £0.40 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 137a Seychelles - MM - 6c Greyish Green definitive odd value £1.95 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 138a Seychelles - MM - 9c Grey-Blue definitive odd value £14.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 138ab Seychelles - MM - 9c Dull Blue - Ord Paper definitive odd value £8.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 138ad Seychelles - MM - 9c Dull Blue definitive odd value £9.50 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 139 Seychelles - MM - 12c Reddish Violet definitive odd value £22.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 139c Seychelles - MM - 18c Carmine-Lake definitive odd value £5.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 142a Seychelles - MM - 30c blue definitive odd value £12.50 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 146a Seychelles - MM - 1R Grey-Black definitive odd value £18.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 137 Seychelles - FU - 6c Orange definitive odd value £2.25 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1941 SG 136a Seychelles - FU - 3c Orange - FORGED cancel VICTORIA DE 12 41. £1.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1941 SG 137a Seychelles - FU - 6c Greyish Green - FORGED cancel VICTORIA DE 12 41. £1.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1941 SG 138a Seychelles - FU - 9c Grey Blue - FORGED cancel VICTORIA DE 12 41. £1.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1941 SG 139a Seychelles - FU - 15c Brown Carmine - FORGED cancel VICTORIA DE 12 41. £1.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1941 SG 142a Seychelles - FU - 30c Blue - FORGED cancel VICTORIA DE 12 41. £1.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1942 SG 135a Seychelles - FU - 2c Purple-Brown definitive odd value - Ordinary paper £0.95 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1942 SG 144a Seychelles - FU - 50c Deep Reddish Purple odd value - Ordinary £2.20 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1946 SG 150-151 Seychelles - UM - Victory Issue set of two £0.30 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1946 SG 150-151 Seychelles - MM - Victory set of two £0.20 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1949 SG 154 Seychelles - UM - 18c Universal Postal Union single £0.35 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1952 SG 160 Seychelles - UM - 9c definitive odd value £0.40 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1913 SG 140 Sierra Leone - MM - 7d Purple and Orange - Watermark Script Crown CA £3.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1937 SG 185-187 Sierra Leone - UM - Coronation set of three £1.95 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1937 SG 186 Sierra Leone - UM - 2d Coronation single £0.60 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1937 SG 187 Sierra Leone - MM - 3d Coronation single £0.70 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1937 SG 185-187 Sierra Leone - FU - Coronation set of three £3.95 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 188 Sierra Leone - UM - ½d Black and Blue-Green definitive odd value £0.20 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 189 Sierra Leone - UM - 1d Black and Lake definitive odd value £0.30 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 192 Sierra Leone - UM - 3d Black and Untramarine definitive odd value £0.45 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 193 Sierra Leone - UM - 4d Black and Red-Brown definitive odd value £2.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 194 Sierra Leone - UM - 5d Olive-Green definitive odd value £1.75 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 195 Sierra Leone - UM - 6d Grey definitive odd value £0.90 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 196 Sierra Leone - UM - 1/- Black and Olive-Green definitive odd value £2.50 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 197 Sierra Leone - UM - 2/- Black and Sepia definitive odd value £3.80 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 198 Sierra Leone - UM - 5/- Red-Brown definitive odd value £12.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 194 Sierra Leone - MM - 5d Olive-Green definitive odd value £1.40 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 195 Sierra Leone - MM - 6d Grey definitive odd value £0.60 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 196 Sierra Leone - MM - 1/- Black and Olive-Green definitive odd value £1.10 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 188 Sierra Leone - MM - ½d Black and Blue-Green definitive odd value £0.15 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 190 Sierra Leone - MM - 1½d Scarlet definitive odd value £7.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 188 Sierra Leone - FU - ½d Black and Blue-Green definitive odd value £0.20 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 189 Sierra Leone - FU - 1d Black and Lake definitive odd value £0.25 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 192 Sierra Leone - FU - 3d Black and Untramarine definitive odd value £0.30 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 195 Sierra Leone - FU - 6d Grey definitive odd value £0.25 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 198 Sierra Leone - FU - 5/- Red-Brown definitive odd value £4.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 193 Sierra Leone - FU - 4d Black and Red-Brown definitive odd value £3.25 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 196 Sierra Leone - FU - 1/- Black and Olive-Green definitive odd value £0.35 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1941 SG 190a Sierra Leone - UM - 1½d Mauve definitive odd value £0.20 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1941 SG 191a Sierra Leone - UM - 2d Scarlet definitive odd value £0.20 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1941 SG 191a Sierra Leone - MM - 2d Scarlet definitive odd value £0.15 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1941 SG 190a Sierra Leone - MM - 1½d Mauve definitive odd value £0.15 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1941 SG 190a Sierra Leone - FU - 1½d Mauve definitive odd value £0.25 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1941 SG 191a Sierra Leone - FU - 2d Scarlet definitive odd value £1.40 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1944 SG 196a Sierra Leone - FU - 1/3d Yellow-Orange definitive odd value £0.45 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1946 SG 201-202 Sierra Leone - UM - Victory set of two £0.30 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1946 SG 201-202 Sierra Leone - MM - Victory set of two £0.15 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1946 SG 331-332 Sierra Leone - FU - Victory Issue set of two £0.40 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1948 SG 11 Singapore - UM - 40c definitive odd value - Perf 14 £4.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1948 SG 19 Singapore - MM - 4c definitive odd value - Perf 17½x18 £0.75 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1948 SG 22 Singapore - FU - 10c definitive odd value - Perf 17½x18 £0.15 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1948 SG 25 Singapore - FU - 25c definitive odd value - Perf 17½x18 £0.15 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1948 SG 28 Singapore - FU - $1 definitive odd value - Perf 17½x18 £0.20 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1949 SG 33-36 Singapore - UM - Universal Postal Union set of four £14.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1949 SG 33-36 Singapore - FU - Universal Postal Union set of four £6.50 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1937 SG 57-59 Solomon Islands - UM - Coronation set of three £0.80 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1937 SG 57-59 Solomon Islands - MM - Coronation set of three £0.60 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1937 SG 57-59 Solomon Islands - FU - Coronation set of three £1.50 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1939 SG 65 Solomon Islands - UM - 3d definitive odd value £2.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1939 SG 69 Solomon Islands - UM - 2/- definitive odd value £9.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1939 SG 60 Solomon Islands - MM - ½d definitive odd value £0.15 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1939 SG 62 Solomon Islands - MM - 1½d definitive odd value £1.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1939 SG 68 Solomon Islands - MM - 1/- definitive odd value £1.30 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1946 SG 73-74 Solomon Islands - UM - Victory set of two £0.30 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1946 SG 73-74 Solomon Islands - MM - Victory set of two £0.20 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1949 SG 77 Solomon Islands - UM - 2d Universal Postal Union single £0.75 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1937 SG 90-92 Somaliland Protectorate - MM - Coronation set of three £0.75 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1937 SG 90-92 Somaliland Protectorate - FU - Coronation set of three £2.20 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1938 SG 100 Somaliland Protectorate - MM - 12a Red-Orange ''Side face'' definitive single £8.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1946 SG 117-118 Somaliland Protectorate - UM - Victory set of two £0.25 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1946 SG 117-118 Somaliland Protectorate - MM - Victory set of two £0.15 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1949 SG 121 Somaliland Protectorate - UM - 1A Universal Postal Union single £0.35 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket
1923 SG D16 South Africa - MM - 6d Postage Due single. c4qr £6.00 Add stamp to basket Add To Basket

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