| Desc
| Year
| Price
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Vanuatu - The ''Birds of Vanuatu'' definitive set of twelve superb unmounted mint. XBX |
2012 SG 1118-1129 |
Norfolk Island - superb unmounted mint set of thirteen. BBJ |
1960 SG 24-36 |
Bermuda - The Coronation set of three perfined
''SPECIMEN'' superb unmounted mint BBG |
1937 SG 107s-109s |
Cyprus - CYPRUS overprint on 6d Grey from Plate 16 lettered "S-B" good sound used. SG Cat ££650 |
1880 SG 5 |
South West Africa - 250th Anniversary of Landing of Huguenots
A superb unmounted mint set of three pairs.
1939 SG 111-113 |
Nevis - The ''OFFICIAL'' overprint on the $5.00 showing OVERPRINT INVERTED. A superb unmouned mint stamp. |
1980 SG O9a |
Bangladesh - ''Palestenian Freedom Fighter''. The unissed 50p single cancelled due to errors in text. Footnote listed by SG. Very scarce! |
1971 SG footnote |
Cayman Islands - 5/- Crimson definitive odd value A fine lightly mounted mint single. SG Cat £75.00 QAQ |
1948 SG 125a |
Bangladesh - A superb unmounted mint set of fourteen ZQD. |
1973 SG 22-35 |
St. Helena - A good mounted mint set of seven
1890 SG 46-52 |
Solomon Islands - A superb unmounted mint set of thirteen.
1939 SG 60-72 |
Papua New Guinea - Headdresses set of twelve superb fine used. |
1977 SG 318-329 |
Tangier - the 1948 Royal Silver Wedding set of two superb unmounted mint.
1948 SG 255-256 |
Cyprus - 12pi Chestnut and Black - Multiple Crown. A good fine used single (no missing perfs at left - its the postmark!) |
1913 SG 82 |
Gibraltar - 2½d Deep Bright Blue lightly mounted mint single showing the illustrated lSG listed variety ''large 2 in 2½d'' |
1912 SG 79a |
Mauritius - A fine very, very lightly mounted mint set of twenty. Superb!
SG Cat £275.00
1921 SG 223-241 |
St. Vincent - A good lightly mounted mint ''SPECIMEN'' set of five.
1907 SG 94s-98s |
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika - 2/- Brown & Purple - Perforation 13¼ A fine lightly mounted mint stamp. |
1938 SG 146 |
Morocco Agencies - The British Currency set of eight lightly mounted mint, fine and fresh.
1907 SG 31-38 |
India - 1852 - 1970 - 14a Purple in a superb unmounted mint left side marginal block of four. ZDZ |
1940 SG 277 |
Malaya States - Japanese Occs - STRAITS SETTLEMENTS the 15c Ultramarine cancelled with lower left portion on Military Seal in Red lightly mounted mint. Tiny Bowie expert handstamp on back. Offered of SG stock card from the 1990's SG Cat £100
1942 SG J52 |
Somaliland Protectorate - A superb unmounted mint set of twelve. QGQ |
1938 SG 93-104 |
Malaya States - Japanese Occs - SELANGOR the $5 Green and Red on Emerald good mounted mint. Offered of SG stock card from the 1990's SG Cat £90
1942 SG J223 |
Bermuda - The 6c of 6d definitive right side marginal single clearly showing an INVERTED WATERMARK cancelled with part of a double ring ST. GEORGE steel CDS. SG Cat £190
1970 SG 237Wi |
Brunei - 8c Grey-Black
A superb unmounted mint single. SG Cat for mounted £16
1933 SG 72 |
Morocco Agencies - A very fresh lightly mounted mint set to the 1/- stamp.SG Cat £84
1907 SG 31-37 |
Cayman Islands -
10/- Chocolate definitive odd value - perforation 14
A fine lightly mounted mint single. SG Cat £30.00
1943 SG 126a |
Ireland - Fine Used - 1d Carmine - From coils - Perforation 15 x Imperforate superb fine used. |
1946 SG 112c |
South Africa - The Huguenot set of three pairs superb unmounted mint in blocks of four.
1939 SG 82-84 |
Malawi - African Development Bank set of four in superb unmounted mint cylinder blocks of four. |
1989 SG 821-824 |
Bahamas - FDCs - Pirates of the Caribbean on an unaddressed illustrated FDC
1987 SG 786-789 |
Gibraltar -
4/- Black and Carmine - Watermark Multiple Crown CA
A fine very lightly mounted mint single.
1912 SG 83 |
Tanzania - 5s and 10s pair of booklets superb |
1971 SG SB10-SB11 |
Montserrat - Churchill Commemoration in superb unmounted mint left side marginal blocks of four |
1966 SG 179-182 |
Falkland Islands - Centenary of British Administration 10/- Black and Chestnut a good mounted mint example with a hint of a very very tiny thin spot in the hinge area mentioned for accuracy. - you will have to look hard to see it! SG Cat £850
1933 SG 137 |
Falkland Islands Dependencies - superb unmounted mint set of 15 in SE corner plate blocks of 4 |
1980 SG 74A-88A |
Basutoland - The complete set of reprints lightly mounted mint made in 1944 on thinner White paper and gum together with a cutting from a contemporary stamp magazine. Taken from an old time specialist collection. One for the specialist!
1938 SG 18v-28v |
Bangladesh - The re-drawn definitive set of four superb unmounted mint. QPX |
1974 SG 49-51a |
India - 1852 - 1970 - A good used set of the six top values all with the single STAR watermark. Odd minor faults refelected in the price. SG Cat £137
1911 SG 186-191 |
Nigeria - A superb unmounted mint set of thirteen. XGX |
1953 SG 69-80 |
Isle of Man - A superb unmounted mint set of twenty-two. |
1973 SG 12-33 |
Zululand - A truly superb very, very lightly mounted mint complete handstamped ''SPECIMEN'' set of ten with each stamp a mere trace of a hinge. A lovely bright and fresh set of stunning quality! SG Cat £650
1888 SG 1s-11s |
Sierra Leone - 5d Dull Purple and Black - Watermark Crown CA
A fine very lightly mounted mint stamp. |
1903 SG 80 |
Jamaica - The ''Arms'' Type set of nine lightly mounted mint with many being unmounted. A bright and fresh set!
1905 SG 37-44 |
Barbados - The 1½d Victory single superb unmounted mint
showing the SG illustrated variety ''Two Flags on Tug'' on right stamp in pair with normal.
1946 SG 262a |
Seiyun - A superb fine used set of eight.
1951 SG 20-27 |
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika - 3/- Dull Ultramarine and Black - Perforation 13x11¾ A superb unmounted mint single. |
1938 SG 147 |
Grenada - 5/- Black and Violet. The top value of the definitive set lightly mounted mint. |
1934 SG 144 |
British South Africa Company - 2d Deep Dull Green and Vermilion On thin wove paper superb fine used.
1892 SG 20 |
Somaliland Protectorate -
½a Yellow-Green
A fine used single showing the SG listed variety ''BRIT SH'' thus with the ''I'' missing. SG Cat £275
1903 SG 1a |
Papua New Guinea - The Bird and Corals set of fifteen superb unmounted mint.
1982 SG 438-452 |
Bahawalpur - 1½a on 1R Black and Orange - OFFICIAL - lightly mounted mint single |
1945 SG O12 |
British South Africa Company - Opening of Victoria Falls Bridge
The 5/- Violet superb fine used cancelled with a SALISBURY double ring CDS. Stunning!
1905 SG 99 |
Isle of Man - A fine used set of twenty-two |
1973 SG 12-33 |
Gambia - George 6th 2d Blue and Black
Elephant - A superb unmounted mint top marginal block of four.
1938 SG 153 |
St. Vincent - The 1948 Royal Silver Wedding set of two superb fine used. SEARCH CODE: 1948RSW ZKU |
1948 SG 162-163 |
Gibraltar - 2½d Pale Ultramarine showing the illustrated SG listed variety ''large 2 in 2½d''. A lower marginal vertical pair with feintly toned gum superb unmounted mint showing the variety on the lower stamp.
1912 SG 79ba |
Sierra Leone - 5d Purple and Olive-Green
A lovely very lightly mounted mint single. SG Cat £26
1908 SG 106 |
Bahamas - 2/- Slate-Purple and Deep Ultramarine
A fine used single. SG Cat £35 |
1931 SG 131 |
Brunei - The Brunei River set of twelve each stamp cancelled with a selected CDS cancel.
1908 SG 34-47 |
New Guinea - The ''Bird'' set of fifteen superb unmounted mint.
1932 SG 177-189 |
Malawi - Birds
A superb unmounted mint sheetlet of twenty. Scarce sheet! |
1992 SG 876-895 |
Somaliland Protectorate - 5R Black - the key value - superb unmounted mint single.
1938 SG 104 |
Seychelles - The surcharge set of four handstamped ''SPECIMEN'' lightly mounted mint.
1901 SG 37s-40s |
Pakistan - Definitives - A good used set of twenty.
1948 SG 24-43a |
Australia - 1966 to 1999 - $4 Navigator - King in a superb fine used block of four |
1966 SG 403 |
Malawi - Endangered Species
A superb unmountd mint set of four. |
1978 SG 567-570 |
Malayan State - Malacca - A superb unmounted mint set of eleven plus the SG listed shade of the 50c SG57a
1960 SG 50-60 |
Zambia - World Cup Football Championship - Mexico
The set of four surcharged with various values superb unmounted mint. XLX |
1987 SG 516-519 |
Kenya - Postage Due - Perf 15 - Glazed Paper
Set of six superb unmounted mint |
1973 SG D29-D34 |
Iraq - 1r Red-Brown OFFICIAL single fine very lightly mounted mint.
UEUa |
1927 SG O79 |
Jamaica - Independence set of sixteen superb unmounted mint. BBG |
1962 SG 181-196 |
Jersey - superb unmounted mint set of 12 |
1993 SG 601-612 |
Zimbabwe - Birds complete definitive set of ten in superb unmounted mint CYLINDER blocks of four. Very scarce set!
2005 SG 1146-1155 |
Lagos - 1/- Green and Black - Watermark Multiple Crown CA A fine used single cancelled with a light CDS. SC Cat £32 |
1904 SG 60 |
South West Africa - The Pictorials complete set of fourteen pairs superb unmounted mint. A rare set to find unmounted!
1931 SG 74-87 |
Somaliland Protectorate - 5R Grey-Black and Red
A fine lightly mounted mint single. XMX |
1904 SG 44 |
Jamaica - Silver Jubilee set of four perfined ''SPECIMEN'' superb unmounted mint.
1935 SG 114s-117s |
Tanzania - The POSTAGE DUE set of six on Glazed Ordinary Paper with PVA gum.
A superb unmounted mint set of six in blocks of four. SG Cat £17
1971 SG D7a-D12a |
Kenya - Flowers set of twenty fine used. QPX |
1983 SG 257-271 |
Malaya States - Japanese Occs - STRAITS SETTLEMENTS the 5c Brown cancelled with the lower left part of Military Seal in bright Red superb unmounted mint. Offered of SG stock card from the 1990's SG Cat £180
1942 SG J48 |
Bermuda - The pictorial definitives set of nine perfined ''SPECIMEN'' lightly mounted mint. SG Cat £325
1936 SG 98s-106s |
St. Helena - 1½d Black and Dull Orange. A stunning bright and fresh stamp cancelled with a ''socked on the nose'' upright steels CDS dated MR 15 21. Exceptional and so pretty!!
1913 SG 74 |
Tristan da Cunha - WWF - Endangered Species - Albatross sheetlet of sixteen.
A superb unmounted mint sheet showing the SG listed variety ''PANDA EMBLEM PRINTED TWICE'' on R2/4. This variety also has the bonus of being inverted watermark. |
1999 SG 651b-654Wi |
Grenada Grenadines - Life and Times of The Queen Mother
Set of three sheetlets with revised face values of 70c, $1.10 and $3.00 with different background colours all superb unmounted mint. |
1985 SG 689v-691v |
Sarawak - The ''BMA'' overprinted set of twenty superb unmounted mint. Very difficult to find unmounted!
1945 SG 126-145 |
Gibraltar - 20c Olive-Green and Brown
A superb unmounted mint lower marginal single. A lovely stamp, very fine and fresh. |
1896 SG 24 |
Hadhramaut - A fine mounted mint set of eleven. QQH |
1942 SG 1-11 |
Aden - Superb unmounted mint set of eleven. QMX |
1951 SG 36-46 |
Palestine - 5m Orange in a superb unmounted mint Plate Block of four |
1927 SG 93 |
Zambia - The Decimal Currency set of twelve superb unmounted mint marginal blocks of four. QCX |
1968 SG 129-140 |
Antigua - 5c Perf 13½ definitive odd value |
1969 SG 185a |
Papua - A fine very lightly mounted mint set of thirteen. Also includes an addition 2/6d printed by a different printer SG Cat £162
1931 SG O55-O66a |
Indian State - Feudatory - Jaipur - 4a Black and Grey-Green
A good mounted mint single.
SG Cat £450 |
1937 SG O20 |
Gibraltar - 20c Olive-Green and Brown. A fine very, very lightly mounted mint single.
1896 SG 24 |
Malayan State - Negri Sembilan - the ''Butterflies'' set of seven superb unmounted mint. BBH |
1971 SG 91-97 |
Maldive Islands - Bicentenary of the American Revolution A superb unmounted mint IMPERFORATE set of eight.
1976 SG 633imp-640imp |
Gambia - George 6th 2d Blue and Black
Elephant - A superb unmounted mint NW corner block of four.
1938 SG 153 |
Somaliland Protectorate - The surcharged set of eleven in superb unmounted mint blocks of four
1951 SG 125-135 |
Bahamas - superb fine used set of 4 |
1901 SG 58-61 |
£7600.40 |