| Desc
| Year
| Price
| Remove
Cayman Islands - The 1948 Royal Silver Wedding set of two superb unmounted mint blocks of four. SEARCH CODE: 1948RSW QQW |
1948 SG 129-130 |
Turkish Cypriot Posts - A superb unmounted mint set of ten
1975 SG 10-19 |
British Virgin Islands - 5/- Green and Red on Pale Yellow. A bright and fresh mounted mint single. |
1922 SG 85 |
India - 1852 - 1970 - 75th Anniversary of the Universal Postal Union A superb unmounted mint set of four.
1949 SG 325-328 |
Tristan da Cunha - A superb unmounted mint set of twelve. QQY |
1952 SG 1-12 |
Bermuda - 2/- Deep Purple and Ultramarine on Grey-Blue
A superb very lightly mounted mint single. SG Cat £100 QPX |
1939 SG 116 |
Isle of Man - The 3½p showing the error of colour for the border ''GREY-BROWN''. A superb unmounted mint left side marginal single with normal for comparison. SG Cat £225
NOTE: The error resembles the colour of the 2p |
1973 SG 18a |
Ghana - 50th Anniversary of Ghanaian Scout Movement
Superb unmounted mint set of three special sheetlets of twelve. Rare! |
1967 SG 483-485 |
Zimbabwe - Medals set of four superb unmounted mint. Scarce. |
2004 SG 1128-1131 |
Ascension - 1/- Grey-Black and Brown
A fine used single. SG Cat £55
1924 SG 18 |
Gilbert and Ellice Islands - A fine lightly mounted mint set of twelve.
1956 SG 64-75 |
Nevis - Charles and Diana Royal Wedding sheetlet of seven with WATERMARK INVERTED. SG CAT £70 |
1981 SG 74bwi |
Malaya States - Japanese Occs - 3c Green - STRAITS SETTLEMENTS - ''DAI NIPPON'' a superb unmounted mint single with the usual, as expected, lightly toned gum. SG Cat £50
1942 SG J225 |
Bahawalpur - OFFICIALS set of three superb fine used. XZX |
1945 SG O14-O16 |
New Hebrides - French - A fine lightly mounted mint set of eleven. QQY |
1953 SG F81-F91 |
Falkland Islands Dependencies - Superb unmounted mint complete set of five in gutter pairs. Multiple Crown Diagonal and 1985 imprint. |
1985 SG 148-152 |
South Georgia - "Whales" set of twelve in superb unmounted mint gutter pairs |
1994 SG 231-242 |
Swaziland - superb unmounted mint set of 4 in corner blocks of 4 |
1978 SG D19-D21 |
Sierra Leone - 4d Brown - Watermark Crown CA
A superb fine used stamp.
1884 SG 33 |
Penrhyn Island - The Gum Arabic set of eleven plus one WITHOUT fluorescent markings set of eleven in superb unmounted mint blocks of four plus the matching 4c ''WALTER'' variety.
1973 SG 41A-52A |
Southern Rhodesia - A fine lightly mounted mint set of thirteen. QQL |
1937 SG 40-52 |
Morocco Agencies - The Photgravure set of seven superb fine used. SG Cat £78
1935 SG 66-72 |
Gibraltar - 20c Olive-Green and Brown. A superb unmounted mint left side marginal pair, scarce unmounted mint.
1896 SG 24 |
Sudan - Officials - The OFFICIALS set of seven perfined ''O S'' fine used. Seldom seen set.
1927 SG O25-O31 |
Nevis - The ''OFFICIAL'' overprint on the NO WATERMARK 25c stamp superb unmounted mint. |
1980 SG O2c |
Gibraltar - The 6d Deep Lilac of ''BERMUDA'' overprinted ''GIBRALTAR''.
A good mounted mint single.
1886 SG 6 |
St. Vincent - 1d Carmine A superb unmounted mint single
1907 SG 95 |
Lagos - 2/6d Green and Carmine - Watermark Crown CA
A superb very lightly mounted mint single with full original gum. Lovely! SG Cat £160 |
1904 SG 51 |
South West Africa - The WAR EFFORT set of seven pairs and two single superb fine used. SG Cat £85 QTQ |
1941 SG 114-122 |
Bermuda - Silver Jubilee set of four perfined ''SPECIMEM'' lightly mounted mint. SG Cat £225
1935 SG 94s-97s |
Antigua - A superb fine used set of twelve with each stamp having a selected CDS cancel. SG Cat £140
1938 SG 98-109 |
Niue - The Postal Fiscal stamps overprinted NIUE superb very, very lightly mounted mint set of five. A lovely set fine and very fresh. SG Cat £350
1918 SG 33-37 |
Solomon Islands - A superb unmounted mint set of fifteen. UAU |
1968 SG 166-180 |
South West Africa - Voortrekker Centenary Memorial
set of four pairs mounted mint. QQL |
1938 SG 105-108 |
Iraq - A good mounted mint set of fourteen. QBQ |
1918 SG 1-14 |
Gold Coast - The 1948 Royal Silver Wedding set of two superb unmounted mint. SEARCH CODE: 1948RSW QQF
1948 SG 147-148 |
Gilbert and Ellice Islands - A superb fine used complete set of twelve.
1956 SG 64-75 |
Fiji - A superb unmounted mint set of fifteen.
1962 SG 311-325 |
St. Helena - 4d Grey and Black on Yellow. A very fine lightly mounted mint single showing the illustrated variety ''torn flag''
1922 SG 92b |
Bahamas - The Queen Victoria definitive set of six superb unmounted mint with some marginals. Rare set to find unmounted!
1884 SG 47-57 |
Nevis - The ''OFFICIAL'' overprint on the 45c showing OVERPRINT INVERTED. A superb unmounted mint marginal stamp. |
1980 SG O5a |
Malawi - Birds set of thirteen superb fine used |
1975 SG 473-485 |
North Borneo - The SPECIMEN complete set of three lightly mounted mint.
1916 SG 186s-188s |
British Honduras - A fine lightly mounted mint set of seven with bright and very fresh colours. Lovely! ZFZ |
1888 SG 36-42 |
Falkland Islands - Insects Spiders and Butterflies Superb unmounted mint set of fifteen all right side marginals
1984 SG 469A-483A |
Vanuatu - Settlement set three with INVERTED WATERMARKS superb unmounted mint |
1988 SG 496Wi-499Wi |
Mauritius - 13c on 3d Orange-Red definitive single A superb very lightly used single. SG Cat £50 |
1878 SG 86 |
Montserrat - A superb fine used set of twelve.
1938 SG 101-112 |
British South Africa Company - The overprint set of seven superb fine used.
1896 SG 58-64 |
New Guinea - The OFFICIAL set of nine lightly mounted mint with the usual rough perforations
1925 SG O22-O30 |
Ross Dependency -
1967 SG 5-8 |
Cayman Islands - The 1938 definitive set of fourteen perfined ''SPECIMEN''. SG Cat £500. Rare set.
1938 SG 115s-126s |
New Guinea - 5/- Olive-Brown overprinted ''AIR MAIL'' A fine use single
1932 SG 201 |
Singapore - A good used set of eighteen.
1949 SG 16-30 |
Tangier - Silver Jubilee set of three superb unmounted mint. SEARCH CODE: 1935JUBILEE QQM |
1935 SG 238-240 |
Malaya States - Japanese Occs - KEDAH - The ''DAI NIPPON 2602'' overprinted set of fifteen lightly mounted mint. SG Cat £700
1942 SG J1-J15 |
Sudan - Officials - Fine lightly mounted mint set of eight. |
1950 SG O59-O66 |
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika - 65c definitive single perfined SPECIMEN very lightly mounted mint. |
1935 SG 117s |
Bahamas - The Script CA set of four overprinted or perfined ''SPECIMEN''. A very, very lightly mounted mint set with each stamp a trace of a hinge! Superb! SG Cat £225
1921 SG 111s-114s |
British Honduras - Fine lightly mounted mint set of twelve. |
1938 SG 150-161 |
Palestine - The George 6th set of three from the 1932 definitive set lightly mounted mint. SG Cat £32
1942 SG 109-111 |
Gibraltar - 2½d Ultramarine. A good mounted mint stamp showing the listed variety ''Large 2 in ½''. SG Cat £300 |
1906 SG 69a |
Bermuda - The George 5th ''Key Plates'' set o four high values overprinted and perfined ''SPECIMEN'' lightly mounted mint. SG Cat £600
1924 SG 88s-93s |
Vanuatu - The ''Birds of Vanuatu'' definitive minisheet superb unmounted mint.
2012 SG MS1130 |
North Borneo - The surcharged complete set of five overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' superb unmounted mint. A difficult set to find especially unmounted!
UEUa |
1895 SG 87s-91s |
Montserrat - 300th Anniversary of Settlement of Montserrat
A fine lightly mounted complete set of ten fine and fresh. QDX |
1932 SG 84-93 |
Sudan - Postage Dues - The postage Due set of four superb unmounted mint.
1948 SG D12-D15 |
Somaliland Protectorate - 5R Black ''Side face'' definitive single. A fine lightly mounted mint single. XMX |
1938 SG 104 |
Australia - Tasmania - 1/- Vermilion
A superb bright and fresh single with four clear margins
A stunning stamp with no gum (possibly as issued) clearly showing the double lined ''12'' numeral. A Gem!! SG Cat £800
1851 SG 41 |
British Virgin Islands - 25c Royal Silver Wedding superb unmounted mint lower marginal stamp with INVERTED WATERMARK |
1972 SG 276Wi |
Norfolk Island - The two later, key values to the set superb unmounted mint. |
1959 SG 6a, - 12a |
North Borneo - The Red Cross set of seventeen very lightly mounted mint. A stunning very bright and fresh set. Exceptional quality! QGX |
1918 SG 235-252 |
Jamaica - The WAR STAMP set of two overprint ''SPECIMEN'' superb unmounted mint. A very rare set to find unmounted!
1919 SG 76s-77s |
Malay - Federated States - The $25 Green and Orange overprinted vertically ''SPECIMEN'' good mounted mint. SG Cat £450
1900 SG 26s |
Kenya - Minerals set of fifteen superb fine used.
1977 SG 107-121 |
Hadhramaut - A fine lightly mounted mint set of twelve. QQH
1955 SG 29-40 |
Gambia - The George 6th set of sixteen in superb unmounted mint blocks of four. BBJ
| 1938 SG 150-161 |
Bermuda - 12/6d Deep Grey and Brownish Orange A lightly mounted mint single. SG Cat £600 QPX |
1939 SG 120 |
Antigua - 4d Blue - Watermark Crown CC
A fine used stamp with a couple of nibbled perfs at right. SG Cat £13 |
1879 SG 20 |
Brunei - A fine very lightly mounted mint ''SPECIMEN'' set of eighteen. SG Cat £600
1924 SG 60s-78s |
Mauritius - Literacy Year set of four in gutter pairs |
1990 SG 845g-848g |
Gibraltar - The 2½d Ultramarine of ''BERMUDA'' overprinted ''GIBRALTAR''. A lovely lightly mounted mint single.
1886 SG 4 |
Sarawak - The surcharged 2c on 12c Purple
A superb unmounted mint single.
1922 SG 73 |
Dominica - Silver Jubilee set of four superb unmounted mint. SEARCH CODE: 1935JUBILEE QQV |
1935 SG 92-95 |
Gambia - 1d on 3/- Carmine and Green on Yellow
A bright and fresh lightly mounted mint single.
1906 SG 70 |
Fiji - 10/- Orange and Emerald
A stunning superb fine used single. A gem! |
1938 SG 266a |
South Africa - The Coils set of four superb unmounted mint. |
1974 SG 370-373 |
Kuwait - Superb unmounted mint set of eleven in blocks of four. |
1957 SG 120-130 |
Australia - Booklets - $5 x3 Legends of Australian Horse Racing set of three complete unfolded flat booklets
2007 SG SB223-225 |
Cyprus - 45pi Dull Purple and Ultramarine - Multiple Crown A spacefiller stamp with a small tear NE corner. SG Cat £160
1915 SG 84 |
Ascension - The ''ASCENSION'' overprinted set of nine superb fine used each stamp with a selected CDS. The 8d has a ST HELENA cancel. SG Cat £475
1922 SG 1-9 |
North Borneo - The surcharged complete set of five overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' in superb unmounted mint horizontal strips of three. A difficult set to find especially unmounted and probably unique in strips!
UEUa |
1895 SG 87s-91s |
Jersey - A superb unmounted mint set of six. |
1969 SG D1-D6 |
Montserrat - The Birds surcharged set of three superb unmounted mint. |
1976 SG 368-370 |
Antigua - 15c definitive odd value |
1976 SG 477A |
Australia - New South Wales - Diamond Jubilee and Hospital Charity
The famous set of two very lightly mounted mint. Lovely examples of early colour printing. Only the third set I have ever offered. Rare set.
1897 SG 280-281 |
Niue - Superb fine used set of ten.
1950 SG 113-122 |
Nauru - 2d Orange - Die I
A superb unmounted mint bright and fresh left side marginal single clearly showing ''WATERMARK INVERTED AND REVERSED'' A scarce stamp.
1916 SG 4y |
Malta - The 10/- definitive single showing ''GOLD (CENTRE) OMITTED''. A superb unmounted mint single.
1965 SG 347a |
Fiji - 1½d Scarlet and 1/- Black on Emerald tied to small piece with a large single ring date stamp reading SHIP SIDE - SUVA dated 16 DE 37. Pretty and unusual.
NYQ08 |
1937 SG 232-238 |
New Hebrides - French - Wildlife set of four |
1974 SG F199-202 |
Malawi - Fishes
The ''1986'' Imprint set of eight superb unmounted mint. |
1986 SG 691v-697v |
Tristan da Cunha - 500th Anniversary of Discovery of Tristan da Cunha - 2nd Issue
A superb unmounted mint pair of minisheets. |
2006 SG MS865 |
Sierra Leone - 1/- Black on Emerald overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' in Red. A very lightly mounted mint single.
1925 SG 143s |
St. Helena - A lightly mounted mint set of nine to the 1/- value. SG Cat £45+
1922 SG 97-106 |
Sarawak - The ''Sir Charles Vyner Brooke'' complete set of twenty six superb unmounted mint. A rare and very difficult set to find unmounted!
1934 SG 106-125 |
Sierra Leone - 3d Purple on Yellow - Watermark Multiple Crown CA
A fine lightly mounted mint single. XMX |
1907 SG 104 |
Solomon Islands - Silver Jubilee set of four superb fine used.
1935 SG 53-56 |
Seiyun - The 1948 Royal Silver Wedding set of two superb fine used.
1948 SG 14-15 |
India - 1852 - 1970 - 15R Blue and Olive A superb unmounted mint with Watermark Inverted.
1926 SG 218Wi |
Cyprus - 18pi Black and Olive-Green
A superb fine used single. SG Cat £55
1934 SG 142 |
Sierra Leone - Abolition of Slavery and William Wilberforce
The £1 Violet and Orange
A superb bright and fresh lightly mounted mint perfectly well centered stamp.
A gem!!
1933 SG 180 |
Bermuda - 5/- Green and Red on Yellow
A lightly mounted mint single.
1938 SG 118 |
Seychelles - The Multiple Crown watermark set of eleven lightly mounted mint.
1906 SG 60-70 |
Northern Rhodesia - A superb fine used set of twentyone. Scarce set used.
1938 SG 25-45 |
Bermuda - The Multiple Crown CA set of seven overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' good mounted mint. SG Cat £400
1906 SG 34s-42s |
Hadhramaut - ''The New Sultan'' A superb unmounted mint set of twelve. ZKR |
1963 SG 41-52 |
Antigua - 2/6d Brown-Purple
A superb unmounted mint single.
1938 SG 106 |
Gibraltar - The watermark Multiple Crown ''CA'' set of ten lightly mounted mint. Fine and fresh. |
1912 SG 76-85 |
Sarawak - Centenary Issue
Set of four superb fine used. QQY |
1946 SG 146-149 |
Nauru - shiny paper set - superb fine used set of 14 |
1937 SG 26B-39B |
Hadhramaut - The surcharge set of eight lightly mounted mint. QQH
1951 SG 20-27 |
Sarawak - The ''Sir Charles Vyner Brooke'' complete set of twenty six very lightly mounted mint.
1934 SG 106-125 |
Tanzania - A good used set of fourteen
1965 SG 128-141 |
Cayman Islands - A fine lightly mounted mint set of ten with a bonus of the listed 6d shade. Sereral are unmounted!
1907 SG 25-34 |
Hadhramaut - 2r Blue and Purple superb unmounted mint definitive single. XCX |
1942 SG 10 |
Ireland - Mounted and Unmounted - Sterling Coils set of three superb unmounted mint |
1970 SG 248a-250a |
Kenya - the 1983 issues - A fine very lightly mounted mint set of fifteen
1983 SG 257-271 |
£12217.65 |