| Desc
| Year
| Price
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Mauritius - Diamond Jubilee
A good mounted mint single overprinted ''SPECIMEN'' SG Cat £55.00
1898 SG 133s |
St. Vincent - The Multiple Crown CA watermark set of five very lightly mounted mint. Bright and fresh!!
1907 SG 94-98 |
St. Kitts - Birds set of eighteen superb unmounted mint overprinted SPECIMEN.
1981 SG 53As-70As |
Papua New Guinea - A superb fine used set of nineteen.
1973 SG 241-259 |
Sarawak - The Sir Charles Vyner Brooke set of fifteen oveprinted or perfined SPECIMEN and all superb unmounted mint with many being marginals. Very rare to find unmounted and quite probably a unique set!
1928 SG 76s-90s |
New Guinea - Airs overprint set of fourteen lightly mounted mint - 1st Hinge.
1931 SG 163-176 |
Gambia - A superb unmounted set of sixteen. QFQ |
1938 SG 150-161 |
St. Lucia - 1d Dull Purple and Carmine single cancelled with part boxed cancel reading CANCELLED ON BOARD paquetbot cancel. Rare and unusual. |
1904 SG 66 |
Nigeria - 5/- Black and Olive Green
A goiod sound used single. SG Cat £60 |
1936 SG 43 |
British Honduras - 2c Carmine - Watermark Multiple Crown CA
A superb very, very lightly mounted mint single.
1908 SG 96 |
Australia - to 1936 - 1/- Blue-Green - Die IIB A superb unmounted mint single. |
1920 SG 40b |
Burma - superb unmounted mint single |
1939 SG O24 |
South Africa - superb unmounted mint marginal block of 4 c3pr |
1971 SG D74 |
Falkland Islands Dependencies - Superb unmounted mint complete set of five. Multiple Crown Diagonal and 1985 imprint. |
1985 SG 148-152 |
Falkland Islands - The ½d surcharged on half of diagonally biscected 1d Red-Brown with Watermark Crown CA. A good mounted mint example. A scare stamp!
1891 SG 14 |
Niue - 2/- Deep Blue Postal Fiscal stamp
A stunning bright and fresh lower marginal single superb unmounted mint.
1918 SG 33 |
Papua - 3d Sepia-Black and Bright Blue-Green overpinted ''AIRMAIL''
A good lightly mounted mint single. SG Cat £50
1929 SG 113 |
Belize - Rotary Issue set of seven superb unmounted mint |
1981 SG 606-612 |
Seiyun - A superb unmounted mint set of eleven. QQJ |
1942 SG 1-11 |
Tristan da Cunha - A superb fine used set of fourteen. Lovely!
1954 SG 14-27 |
Australia - Counter Printed - COUNTER PRINTED STAMPS
Endangered Species Complete set of six self adhesive bearing RX1 imprint on SE corner for SYDNEY Issue Date: 8 NOVEMBER 1993 |
.1993 CPS 1993 |
Swaziland - fine mounted mint set 10 perfined SPECIMEN |
1933 SG 11s-20s |
Gibraltar - £1 Dull Purple and Black on Red
A stunning superb unmounted mint NW corner single with PL number 1. A truly stunning stamp so fine.
1903 SG 55 |
South Georgia - Superb fine used set of fourteen in blocks of four. Pretty! |
1971 SG 18-31 |
Sudan - Officials - A superb unmounted mint lower marginal set of eight.
1950 SG O59-O66 |
Zil Elwannyen (Elwagne, Eloigne) - Definitive set of sixteen with 1981 imprint dates superb unmounted mint. |
1981 SG 1R-16aR |
£2774 |