| Desc
| Year
| Price
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St. Lucia - The watermark change set of six superb unmounted mint all from the SW corner of the sheet showing the cylinder numbers |
1984 SG 690-698 |
Cayman Islands - FDCs - Flowers - Second Series official First Day Cover Please note that this is priced on the value of the used stamps with no special premium because its a FDC. SG Cat for the stamps £1.50 |
1980 SG 541-544 |
Dominica - Orchids of the Caribbean
Set of twenty as two sheetlets of eight and four singles all superb unmounted mint. Scarce complete set! |
1999 SG 2567-2586 |
Morocco Agencies - A superb fine used set to the 1/- value with each stamp being cancelled with a CDS postmark. SG Cat £106
1907 SG 31-37 |
Rhodesia - A superb unmounted mint set of fifteen. ZKS |
1978 SG 555-569 |
British Virgin Islands - 1/- Brown lightly mounted mint. A bright a fresh, well centered stamp.
NYQ08 |
1887 SG 41 |
Malaysia National Issues - The Butterflies set of eight superb fine used |
1970 SG 64-71 |
Mauritius - A superb fine used set of fifteen each stamp with a selected cancel. Pretty! SG Cat £85
1950 SG 276-290 |
Seychelles - Silver Jubilee set of four in superb unmounted mint blocks of four.
1935 SG 128-131 |
Canada - 1851-1899 - 5c Slate-Blue ''Queen Victoria Jubilee Issue''
A superb unmounted mint single.
1897 SG 127 |
Gilbert and Ellice Islands - The Royal Silver Wedding set of two superb fine used. SEARCH CODE: 1948RSW BBJ |
1948 SG 57-58 |
South Georgia - £1 Penguin definitive odd value in a superb unmounted mint cylinder block of four.
1969 SG 16 |
North Borneo - A good lightly mounted mint set of fourteen overprinted ''SPECIMEN''. The 1c has no gum, mentioned for accuracy, all other have gum and there is the odd perforation fault as is quite normal for this set. A rare set! SG Catalogue £325.00 AQG |
1901 SG 127s-140s |
Kuwait - A superb fine used set of nine.
1950 SG 84-92 |
Antigua - 2½d Ultramarine - Watermark Crown CA - Perforation 14
A superb fine used single cancelled with a crisp CDS dated AU 4 88 but with some short perfs at top. SG Cat £12 |
1884 SG 27 |
Maldive Islands - Royal Visit Art set superb unmounted mint set of 5 |
1972 SG 387-391 |
Cayman Islands - The Edward 7th set of nine overprinted ''SPECIMEN''. A fine and fresh lightly mounted mint set. Please note there is no SG 31s as it was never issued!
1907 SG 25s-34s |
New Guinea - A stunning fine used single cancelled with a light CDS. Superb! |
1935 SG 204 |
India - 1852 - 1970 - First Anniversary of Independence - Mahatma Gandhi. An unmounted mint set of four with a few tiny light tone spots on the gum of the 10R. mentioned for accuracy and reflected in the price! SG Cat £425
1948 SG 305-308 |
Gilbert and Ellice Islands - Silver Jubilee set of four superb unmounted mint. SEARCH CODE: 1935JUBILEE XYX |
1935 SG 36-39 |
Gibraltar - Silver Jubilee 2½d Ultramarine and Grey-Black A superb unmounted mint (feint hinge mark on margin) SW corner block of four clearly showing, under a glass, on postition 9/1 the ''Extra Flagstaff'' variety. Superb!
1935 SG 114a |
Tristan da Cunha - Centenary of the Sinking of the Titanic ship
A superb unmounted mint minisheet |
2012 SG MS1053 |
Zululand - 6d Dull Mauve and Black
A superb unmounted mint single overprinted ''SPECIMEN''
1894 SG 24s |
Vanuatu - Flowers set of fourteen in superb unmounted mint corner cylinder blocks of four.
1982 SG 331-344 |
£1381 |