| Desc
| Year
| Price
| Remove
Bahawalpur - OFFICALS The overprint set of eight superb fine used. SG Cat £170 QVQ |
1948 SG O20-O27 |
Malayan State - Malacca - The George 6th set of twenty in superb unmounted mint (a few miunted on margin) NW corner pairs each showing the Plate number in margin. Stunning!
1949 SG 3-17 |
British Honduras - A superb fine used set of twelve with each stamp having a selected cancel.
1938 SG 150-161 |
Papua New Guinea - The first set of FRAMA labels superb fine used issued 7 MARCH 1990 |
1990 FRAMA 1 |
Antigua - ½c definitive odd value |
1970 SG 269 |
British Virgin Islands - A fine and fresh lightly mounted mint set of nine.
1913 SG 60-77 |
Mauritius - 2R50 Pale-Violet - Chalky Paper
A good mounted mint single. SG Cat £60 QQJ |
1938 SG 261 |
Belize - 25th Anniversary of the Coronation superb fine used minisheet. Note this is one of two minisheets to the set.
1979 SG MS503 |
Seiyun - Sir Winston Churchill's Paintings
Set of eight superb unmounted mint NE corner blocks of four. XCX |
1966 SG 91-98 |
Tanzania - The POSTAGE DUE set of six on Glazed Ordinary Paper with PVA gum.
A superb unmounted mint set of six in identical lower marginal block of six with registration marks. SG Cat £107
1971 SG D7a-D12a |
Australia - B.C.O.F. (Japan) - 1/- Lyre Bird
A superb fine used definitive single.
1946 SG J5 |
Palestine - The PALESTINE overprinted set of eleven mounted mint. SG Cat £150
1921 SG 60-70 |
South Africa - A superb unmounted mint set of six. ZKP |
1972 SG D75-D80 |
Cook Islands - Corals - A superb unmounted mint set of seventy seven. |
1980 SG 713-789 |
Tanzania - The POSTAGE DUE set of six on Glazed Ordinary Paper with PVA gum.
A superb unmounted mint set of six in right side marginal blocks of four. SG Cat £68
1971 SG D7a-D12a |
Bangladesh - Centenary of Universal Postal Union Set of three IMPERFORATE superb unmounted mint. |
1974 SG 45imp-48imp |
Gambia - Silver Jubilee set of four suberb unmounted mint.
1935 SG 143-146 |
Lagos - 2d Blue - Perforation 14
A fine used single SG Cat £8.50 |
1882 SG 18 |
Grenada - A fine and fresh lightly mounted mint set of ten with several being unmounted mint. SG Cat £250
1902 SG 57-66 |
Penrhyn Island - Charles and Diana overprint set of five superb unmounted mint. |
1983 SG 331-335 |
Sarawak - The Sir Charles Vyner Brooke set of fifteen in superb unmounted mint blocks of four. A scarce set to find unmounted and VERY rare in blocks of four unmounted mint!!
1928 SG 76-90 |
New Guinea - 10/- Bright Pink with ''AIR MAIL'' overprint A fine very lightly mounted mint single.
1931 SG 148 |
Gold Coast - The Edward 7th - Watermark Crown CA A fine lightly mounted mint seo of thirteen overprinted ''SPECIMEN''.
1902 SG 38s-48s |
North Borneo - A supeb fine used set of sixteen.
1950 SG 356-370 |
Sarawak - The Sir Charles Brook set of twenty imperforate top marginal PLATE PROOFS. The stamps are all superb unmounted with a light hinge mark on margin. SG footnote listed.
1934 SG 106proof-125proof |
Nevis - The ''INDEPENDENCE 1983'' overprint on 5c with imprint at foot showing INVERTED OVERPRINT superb unmounted mint. |
1983 SG 109Bba |
Burma - |
SG 0 |
Zambia - The Decimal Currency set of twelve in superb unmounted mint blocks of four. QCX |
1968 SG 129-140 |
Solomon Islands - 10/- Sepia superb unmounted mint single. XMX |
1956 SG 95 |
Dominica - 60c Rose-Red and Black
A superb unmounted mint single. QDX |
1954 SG 157 |
Hadhramaut - 10/- Black and Lake definitive single superb unmounted mint. XCX |
1963 SG 52 |
Nevis - The no watermark set of two with top margins superb unmounted mint.
1980 SG 41a, 47a |
Antigua - 2½d Red-Brown - Watermark Crown CC
A lightly used single with a couple of short perfs. SG Cat £170
1879 SG 19 |
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika - 10/- Bright Blue. A good used single cancelled with a ''socked on the nose'' fiscal cancel for REGISTRAR GENERAL office dated 17 AUG 1929
1922 SG 94 |
Belize - 25th Anniversary of the Coronation in superb unmounted mint SE corner blocks of four. Difficult to duplicate! ZQR |
1979 SG 495-502 |
Singapore - A superb fine used complete set of fifteen.
1948 SG 1-15 |
Aden - Superb set of thirteen in unmounted mint blocks of four.
1939 SG 16-27 |
Zambia - The 4d Ultramarine POSTAGE DUE
in a superb unmounted mint horizintal pair showing a large perforation shift to left resulting in a narrow stamp and a wide stamp. Unusual. |
1964 SG D14var |
Cook Islands - FDCs - Royal Visit to New Zealand on an illustrated official hand addressed First Day Cover
1970 SG 328-330 |
British South Africa Company - 6d Deep Purple with - FORGED - ''BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA'' overprint good fine used. ZKX |
1896 SG 63 |
Falkland Islands Dependencies - The Victory set of two perfined ''SPECIMEN'' superb unmounted mint. A rare set unmounted! SG Cat £375
1946 SG G17s-G18s |
Bahawalpur - The first OFFICIALS set of six superb fine used.
1945 SG O1-O6 |
Cyprus - 50th Anniversary of British Rule A superb UNMOUNTED MINT set of ten all marginal except one. Scace set unmounted.
1928 SG 123-132 |
Tristan da Cunha - Complete POSTAGE DUE set of five lightly mounted mint. |
1957 SG D1-D5 |
Grenada - Silver Jubilee set of four in superb unmounted mint left side marginal blocks of four. SEARCH CODE: 1935JUBILEE QQF |
1935 SG 145-148 |
Nigeria - President Kennedy Memorial Issue The set of three IMPERFORATE superb unmounted mint |
1964 SG 147imp-149imp |
Iraq - The Officials set of twelve each handstamped ''SPECIMEN''. Each stamp is glued to a small piece, thus possibly removed from the archives. SG Cat £500.00
1923 SG O54s-O65s |
Cayman Islands - Booklets - Set of three Butterflies self adhesive booklets |
2005 SG SB8-SB10 |
Palestine - 3m Yellow-Green in a superb unmounted mint gutter pair |
1927 SG 91 |
St. Helena - 5/- Grey and Green on Yellow. A fine lightly mounted mint stamp.
1922 SG 95 |
Australia - Western Australia - WESTERN AUSTRALIA - 10/- Deep Mauve. A lovely fine and fresh well centered single with some offset on back of deep mauve cause in production with much original gum. SG Cat £170
1902 SG 127 |
India - 1852 - 1970 - Silver Jubilee set of seven superb unmounted mint. A scarce set unmounted! SEARCH CODE: 1935JUBILEE UJU |
1935 SG 240-246 |
British Antarctic Territory - FDCs - The Fossils definitive set of fifteen
on three official unaddressed official First Day Covers |
1990 SG 171-185 |
Sarawak - The ''BMA'' overprinted set of twenty all superb fine used. A seldom seen ''gem'' set!
1945 SG 126-145 |
Nauru - The pictorials set of fourteen superb fine used. QPX |
1966 SG 66-79 |
Bahawalpur - A superb fine used set of four.
1948 SG 35-38 |
Australia - 1966 to 1999 - Famous Australians - 3rd Series - Superb fine used complete booklet panes |
1970 SG 479a-482a |
Jamaica - The complete set of eighteen superb unmounted mint. A rather difficult set to find! XZX |
1938 SG 121-133a |
Solomon Islands - The 1948 Royal Silver Wedding set of two superb unmounted mint blocks opf four. SEARCH CODE: 1948RSW UAU |
1948 SG 75-76 |
Malayan State - Kedah - A superb unmounted mint set of seven. ZKG |
1971 SG 124-130 |
South Africa - superb unmounted mint set of 6 in blocks of 4 |
1961 SG D45-D50 |
Seychelles - 15 cents on 16 cents Chestnut and Untramarine showing OVERPRINT INVERTED lightly mounted mint with BPA certificate stating genuine. SG Cat £325.00
1893 SG 18a |
Seychelles - A fine and fresh lightly mounted mint set of twenty-four |
1921 SG 98-123 |
Brunei - A fine lightly mounted mint set of eleven overprinted SPECIMEN. A fine and fresh set.
1907 SG 23sp-33sp |
Australia - South Australia - SOUTH AUSTRALIA - £1 Blue - Perforation 10. A superb fine used stamp with a light ''235''
1886 SG 199 |
St. Kitts - Birds set of eighteen in superb unmounted mint SW corner blocks of four overprinted SPECIMEN. |
1981 SG 53A-70A |
Nauru - The ''WATERLOW'' printing set of two oveprinted ''SPECIMEN'' superb unmounted mint with perfect perforations.
A very rare set to find unmounted mint and so fine. SG Cat for mounted £2800.00
1916 SG 17s-18s |
Basutoland - The Royal Silver Wedding set of two superb fine used. SEARCH CODE: 1948RSW UBU
1948 SG 36-37 |
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika - 3/- Dull Ultramarine and Black - Perforatiom 13x11¾ A fine lightly mounted mint single.
1938 SG 147 |
Tanzania - The ''OFFICIALS'' set of eight superb unmounted mint.. XBX |
1965 SG O9-O16 |
Tanzania - The POSTAGE DUE set of six on Glazed Ordinary Paper with PVA gum.
A superb unmounted mint set of six in lower marginal blocks of fourSG Cat £68
1971 SG D7a-D12a |
British South Africa Company - The first set of ten with servral cancelled with a crisp CDS cancel. SG Cat £400
1892 SG 1-10 |
North Borneo - A fine lightly mint set of fifteen. A bright and fesh set! SG Cat £1400 QQK |
1939 SG 303-317 |
Belize - superb unmounted mint set of sixteen. |
1974 SG 380-395 |
South West Africa - Voortrekker Commemoration set of two pairs fine very lightly mounted mint.
1938 SG 109-110 |
North Borneo - 50th Anniversary of British North Borneo Company
A fine ''first hinge'' very lightly mounted mint set of eight. Superb! SG Cat £300
1931 SG 295-302 |
Bermuda - $25 ''Queen's Head'' Express stamp superb unmounted mint top margin single. XLX |
2003 SG E2 |
Jamaica - 2/- Blue and Chocolate
A superb unmounted mint single
1938 SG 131 |
Isle of Man - The 3p showing the error of colour for the border ''OLIVE-BISTRE''. A superb unmounted mint right side marginal single with normal for comparison SG Cat £160
NOTE: The error resembles the colour of the ½p |
1973 SG 17a |
Tristan da Cunha - Europhilex Stamp Exhibition - London
The potato stamp Essays
A superb unmounted mint sheetlet of ten plus two labels |
2015 SG 1119-1128 |
Southern Rhodesia - ½d Green very lightly mounted mint booklet pane of six taken from booklet SB4 (catalogued at £300) |
1940 SG 40bk |
Mauritius - Fish - set of eighteen superb unmounted mint.
1969 SG 382-399 |
Niue - The surcharge provisional overprint set of thirteen superb unmounted mint |
1983 SG 509-521 |
British Honduras - The WAR set of three lightly mounted mint overprinted''SPECIMEN''. Pretty!
1915 SG 111s-113s |
Somaliland Protectorate - A superb unmounted mint set of twelve. BBJ |
1942 SG 105-116 |
Vanuatu - Flowers set superb unmounted mint set of fourteen in gutter pairs
1982 SG 331g-344g |
St. Helena - A superb unmounted mint stamp showing the illustrated variety ''torn flag''
1923 SG 97b |
Norfolk Island - A superb unmounted mint set of twelve. BBJ |
1966 SG 60-71 |
Malaya States - Japanese Occs - A superb fine used set of eight.
1943 SG JD34-JD41 |
Solomon Islands - The 1948 Royal Silver Wedding set of two superb unmounted mint. SEARCH CODE: 1948RSW QPA |
1948 SG 75-76 |
Botswana - FDCs - ''Stamp World London '90'' - Telecommunications on an official illustrated First Day Cover |
1990 SG 693-696 |
Niue - A superb unmounted mint set of four.
1925 SG 44-47 |
Gibraltar - £1 Red-Orange and Black
A fine very lightly mounted mint single with a trace of a hinge.
1927 SG 107 |
Zil Elwannyen (Elwagne, Eloigne) - The booklet stamps in an tete-beche uncut booklet pane sheetlet of twenty superb unmounted mint. Rare item! |
1981 SG 30v-31v |
South West Africa - The set of ten pairs lightly mounted mint.
SG Cat £225 QPX |
1927 SG 58-67 |
Antigua - 5/- Grey-Green and Violet
A superb fine used single cancelled with a genuine steel CDS cancel dated 1913. SG Cat £150
1913 SG 51 |
Cyprus - Archaeological Treasures set of fourteen superb fine used.
1980 SG 545-558 |
British Honduras - $5 Purple and Black on Red
A superb fine used single cancelled clear of profile with a short perf ar SE corner. SG Cat £400
1913 SG 110 |
Kenya - A good used set of fourteen.
1963 SG 1-14 |
South Georgia - The Spiral Watermark set of twelve in superb unmounted mint corner blocks of four. All are PLATE blocks except to 50p which is a plain corner block. ZQF |
1977 SG 53-66 |
Cayman Islands - 1½d WAR STAMP overprint on 2½d Deep Blue showing the fraction bar almost missing (only a trace shows). Variety in unmounted. Mounted on one normal only. |
1917 SG 54var |
Sarawak - The ''Sir Charles Vyner Brooke'' complete set of twenty six superb unmounted mint perfined ''SPECIMEN''.
A very rare set to find in unmounted mint condition. Near unique!
1934 SG 106s-125s |
Bermuda - 5/- Pale Bluish Green and Carmine Red on Pale Yellow A superb unmounted mint top marginal single
1943 SG 118d |
New Hebrides - French - W.H.O. Headquarters set of two in superb unmounted mint cylinder blocks of four |
1966 SG F136-F137 |
St. Helena - A fine lightly mounted mint stamp showing the illustrated variety ''cleft rock''
1923 SG 101c |
Zululand - A very fine used set of ten to the 1/- value. Superb! SG Cat £615
1888 SG 1-10 |
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika - 3/- Deep Violet-Blue and Black - Perforation 13x12½ A superb unmounted mint single. |
1938 SG 147ac |
Falkland Islands Dependencies - The classic "Ships Set" of fifteen in superb unmounted mint condition |
1954 SG G26-G40 |
British Virgin Islands - The 1938 definitive set of twelve perfined ''SPECIMEN''.
SG Cat £400
1938 SG 110s-121s |
Solomon Islands - 5/- Emerald Green and Scarlet. A superb unmounted mint single. XMX |
1939 SG 71 |
South West Africa - 250th Anniversary of Landing of Huguenots
A superb unmounted mint set of three pairs in maginal ''arrow'' blocks of four.
1939 SG 111-113 |
Swaziland - superb unmounted mint set of 4 |
1978 SG D19-D21 |
Montserrat - 300th Anniversary of Settlement of Montserrat
A superb UNMOUNTED mint set of ten.
A rare set to find unmounted mint.
1932 SG 84-93 |
Malawi - POSTAGE DUE set of five lightly mounted mint.
1971 SG D12-D16 |
Cayman Islands - The Flora and Fauna set of eleven superb fine used.
1980 SG 515A-525A |
Palestine - Postage Due ''SPECIMEN'' set of nine lightly mounted mint. Note eights stamps are overprinted and one is perfined ''SPECIMEN'' SG Catalogue £350.00
1928 SG D12s-D20s |
Alderney - Booklets - £9.40 - Prestige Booklet - Community Services - Part 1 & 2 |
2002 SG ASB12 |
Papua New Guinea - The second set of FRAMA labels superb fine used issued 8 FEBRUARY 1991
1991 FRAMA 2 |
Gold Coast - The Victory set of two - Perforation 13½x14
A fine lightly mounted mint set of two. SG Cat £35 |
1946 SG 133-134 |
Solomon Islands - 9d Emerald and Black - Watermark Multiple Script CA
A superb unmounted mint right side marginal block of four. XMX |
1960 SG 90a |
Nevis - OFFICIALS - set of ten superb unmounted mint. |
1980 SG O1-O10 |
Isle of Man - superb unmounted mint set of 22 in blocks of 4 |
1973 SG 12-33 |
Nevis - Royal Wedding An uncut press sheetlet for the booklet stamps showing the booklet panes. Seems to be unlisted! |
1981 SG 79sh-80sh |
Nauru - 5/- Bright Carmine - De La Rue Printing
A superb unmounted mint single
1916 SG 22 |
Southern Rhodesia - A superb unmounted mint set of fourteen. QQM |
1953 SG 78-91 |
New Guinea - 10/- Pink overprinted ''AIR MAIL'' A superb fine used single ZKS |
1932 SG 202 |
£13538.40 |