| Desc
| Year
| Price
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North Borneo - The Malaya-Borneo Exhibition
complete set of fourteen lightly mountd mint overprinted ''SPECIMEN''. The 2c shows the variety ''Stop after EXHIBITION''. Rare set!
1922 SG 253s-275s |
South Africa - A superb unmounted mint set of four coil stamps |
1982 SG 528-31 |
British South Africa Company - 4d Blue with - FORGED - ''BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA'' overprint good fine used. ZKX |
1896 SG 62 |
Palestine - 7m Deep Violet in a superb unmounted mint Plate Block of four |
1927 SG 105 |
British South Africa Company - £10 Lilac - A very lightly mounted mint single perfined ''SPECIMEN''. A lovely stamp so fine and a good space filler for a very rare stamp (SG Cat £3250.00) without the ''SPECIMEN'' perfin.
1901 SG 93s |
Singapore - the 1948 Royal Silver Wedding set of two superb fine used. SEARCH CODE: 1948RSW |
1948 SG 31-32 |
British South Africa Company - Opening of Victoria Falls Bridge
5d Claret - Perforation 14
A superb fine used single with a ''socked on the nose'' CDS cancel
1905 SG 96a |
India - 1852 - 1970 - The Queen Victoria set of three high values fine used. SG Cat £75
1895 SG 107-109 |
British South Africa Company - 3d Pale Claret - FORGERY - with ''BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA'' overprint fine used
1896 SG 61 |
Tanzania - Butterflies - A good used set of fifteen. QPX |
1973 SG 158-172 |
St. Vincent - The Royal Silver Wedding set of two in superb unmounted mint blocks of four. SEARCH CODE: 1948RSW
1948 SG 162-163 |
Zambia - Queen Elizabeths' Accession set of five in superb fine used CYLINDER blocks of four. |
1992 SG 687-691 |
Christmas Island - The set of ten in superb unmounted mint blocks of four
1963 SG 11-20 |
Penrhyn Island - Sailing ships set of nineteen in superb unmounted mint corner blocks of four |
1984 SG 337-355 |
Tanzania - A superb unmounted mint set of fourteen.
1965 SG 128-141 |
Zululand - A fine and fresh very lightly mounted mint set to the 4/- value. SG Cat £345 XLX |
1894 SG 20-27 |
British South Africa Company - 5/- Brown-orange lightly mounted mint |
1898 SG 87 |
Nauru - 5/- Bright Carmine - De La Rue Printing
A fine very lightly mounted mint single
1916 SG 22 |
Zambia - 60th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II The set of five surcharged with various values superb unmounted mint. XLX |
1987 SG 511-515 |
India - 1852 - 1970 - 5R Ultramarine and Blue A superb fine used single. |
1895 SG 109 |
Seychelles - Silver Jubilee set of four lightly mounted mint. SEARCH CODE: 1935JUBILEE |
1935 SG 128-131 |
Solomon Islands - The ''Canoes'' set of eleven superb unmounted mint. A very rare set to find unmounted mint. XZX |
1908 SG 8-17 |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands - (43c) on 90c overprinted OFFICIAL PAID MAINLAND single superb fine used. This stamp was only sold CTO not mint to the public. Scarce stamp! |
1991 SG O1 |
Tristan da Cunha - Postage Due complete set of five alll right side marginal each showing a gutter.
NYQ08 |
1957 SG D1-D5 |
Solomon Islands - A good mounted mint set of seven.
1907 SG 1-7 |
Solomon Islands - £1 Black and Blue. A superb unmounted mint single. XMX |
1958 SG 96 |
Jamaica - 10/- Myrtle-Green - Watermark Multiple Crown CA
A superb unmounted mint single
1920 SG 89 |
Australia - South Australia - 10d on 9d Orange-Red with Blue overprint lightly mounted mint. Scarce stampv |
1866 SG 35 |
Zambia - The Decimal Currency set of twelve superb unmounted mint. Actually a seldom seen ''modern'' set! QCX |
1968 SG 129-140 |
Maldive Islands - The Minaret set of four superb unmounted mint.
1909 SG 7-10 |
Swaziland - QNX |
1956 SG 53-64 |
Cayman Islands - 2½d Bright Blue- Watermark Multiple Crown CA
A fine lightly mounted mint single QDX |
1905 SG 10 |
Lagos - 7½d Dull Mauve and Carmine
A good used single. SG Cat £38 |
1894 SG 36 |
Tangier - Superb unmounted mint ''Pale Colours'' set of two. BBH |
1944 SG 251-252 |
Antigua - 1d Carmine-Red - Watermark Crown CA - Perforation 12
A good used single. SG Cat £20 |
1884 SG 24 |
Bermuda - FDCs and Covers - 350th Anniversary of Bermuda Parliament
A superb unaddressed illustrated First Day Cover offered at the value of the used stamps alone.
1970 SG 266-269 |
New Hebrides - French - The POSTAGE DUE overprinted ''CHIFFRE TAXE''. A superb unmounted mint set of five. Rare set unmounted!
1925 SG FD53-FD57 |
Ascension - A lovely superb fine used set of sixteen. Very pretty and all selected CDS stamps! BBD |
1938 SG 38-47 |
Isle of Man - A superb unmounted mint set of eight |
1982 SG D17-D24 |
New Guinea - 6d "O-S" Pale Yellow-Bistre Overprint Official single superb fine used tied to small piece. |
1931 SG O27a |
Gambia - Frogs set of four superb unmounted mint |
1982 SG 484-487 |
St. Lucia - 2d Ultramarine and Orange - Watermark CA
A fine, bright and fresh lightly mounted mint single with a ''SPECIMEN'' handstamp probably produced for presentation purposes.
1898 SG 45s |
Gibraltar - The Watermark Crown CA set of five lightly mounted mint.
A very fresh set with bright colours! SG Cat £450
1886 SG 8-14 |
Uganda - 1 anna Black - with Thin ''1''
A fine fresh unused stamp with no gum as issued. SG Cat £110
1896 SG 54 |
Belize - Easter - The Stations of the Cross Sheetlet of fourteen superb unmounted mint. Scarce sheet due to size! |
1988 SG 1024-1037 |
Uganda - 1R Black. A fine fresh unused stamp with no gum as issued. SG Cat £80
1896 SG 60 |
Bahrain - A superb unmounted mint set of eleven. BBJ |
1960 SG 117-127 |
Somaliland Protectorate - ½a Green - A very lightly mounted mint marginal single clearly showing an INVERTED WATERMARK.
1912 SG 60Wi |
Cyprus - 50th Anniversary of British Rule the £1 Blue and Bistre-Brown.
a good mounted mint single.
1928 SG 132 |
British Honduras - $1 Scarlet and Olive. A average mounted mint.
1938 SG 159 |
Jamaica - The Multiple Script CA set of thirteen overprinted SPECIMEN. A fine and fresh lightly mounted mint set. SG Cat £300
1921 SG 94s-106s |
Burma - The OFFICIAL set of thirteen superb fine used. SG Cat £150
1939 SG O15-O27 |
£3553.50 |