View Basket

You have the following sets in your basket. If you would like to remove items from your basket please click the remove button to the right of the item you no longer require. Once you are happy with your selections click continue to move to the next step in the order process.

**********Please note that the minimum order is £20**********

This system is not designed to order quantities however, for example, if you need a quantity of the same size of HAWID mount order one pack and in the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS box on the next page of the order form tell me how many you need!

Desc Year Price Remove
Isle of Man - Royal Wedding set of two 1981
SG 202-203
£0.55 Remove from basket
New Zealand - 1971-1990 - QE - Off-shore Islands set of four 1974
SG 1061-1064
£0.60 Remove from basket
Kenya - Royal Wedding Sheetlets of five - Perforation 12 1981
SG 207v-210v
£3.00 Remove from basket
New Zealand - 1971-1990 - QE - 25th Anniversary of U.N.I.C.E.F. single 1971
SG 956
£0.15 Remove from basket
Malta - World Cup set of three 1990
SG 876-878
£1.20 Remove from basket
Kenya - 1/50 definitive odd value 1966
SG 31
£2.20 Remove from basket
Jersey - EUROPA set of two 2000
SG 934-935
£3.50 Remove from basket
Minimum Order = £20.00 Please continue shopping.

**********Please note that the minimum order is £20**********

Once you have completed the order process I will confirm your order back to you by email. Unlike some websites your credit card is not charged automatically but only at the time of sending. Please remember that the minimum order is £20

This system is not designed to order quantities however, for example, if you need a quantity of the same size of HAWID mount order one pack and in the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS box on the next page of the order form tell me how many you need!